Join me at SXSW 2015

Every year I enjoy travelling to the South-by-South-West (SXSW) festival as it is ons of the biggest event with many Amazon customers present. Thousand of AWS customers and partners will be in Austin for SXSW Interactive and given the free flowing networking it is a very important feedback opportunity for us. But also many Amazon customers will be there for the Film and the Music festival, and I always enjoy getting feedback from those Amazon consumers and producers that are attending these festivals.
The program is always a bit in flux, but here are the events in the beginning of the week that I am taking part in:
- Sunday 3/15 1-2pm - I will give a talk at Techstars on “The History of Microcroservices at Amazon”. There will also be a talk and Q&A about Amazon Lamba at noon. Following my talk there will be a reception.
- Sunday 3/15 4-5pm - I will moderate a panel at ff Massive 2015 about “Scaling a Startup” with Shane Snow, Rami Essaid, Trevor Coleman, and Jordan Kretchmer.
- Monday 3/16 9:30am-1:30pm I will be a judge at the HATCH Startup competition.
- Monday 3/16 5-6pm I will do a fireside chat with Valentin Schöndienst the CEO of Move Fast from Berlin at the German House. It is followed by a Meet The Berliners Party co-sponsored by AWS.
I hope to see you there or at one of the many other events I drop in on.